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03/25/2017    theodora the watcher

Theodora The Watcher is an intriguing individual who has an incredible gift to watch all facet with utmost focus and care. With a vigilant eye, she remains aware of everything encircling her. Whether it is the outdoors or human activity, she notices it all. Her keen senses and attentive demeanor make her the ultimate watcher of life's intricacies.
Theodora The Spectator is unique in her gift to monitor diverse elements of life with unrivaled dedication. Her attentive nature allows Theodora to thoroughly scrutinize every second and all activity that passes her path. From watching the peaceful passage of a river to spotting the subtle alterations in people's countenances, Theodora perceives it all. Her spectator's eyes record the heart of every moment, portraying a distinctive viewpoint of the cosmos around her.

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