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Did you know that there's a rule in the world of fan art called 'Rule 34'? It states that if a character exists in any form of media, there is likely explicit content of them out there. This rule has become quite well-known and has even extended to various fandoms, including My Hero Academia! If you're a fan of 'My Hero Academia', also known as 'Boku no Hero Academia', you might have come across Rule 34 artwork featuring your favorite characters. While it's worth noting that this type of content is explicit, it is a testament to the popularity and impact of the series. Fans expressing their admiration and creativity through adult artwork is an interesting aspect of fandom culture. Whether you agree with Rule 34 or not, it's essential to acknowledge different opinions and artistic expressions within any given fandom. Everyone has their preferences, and as long as it's lawful and consensual, people are free to explore their fantasies through art. It's important to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment within any community, even if certain types of content might not be to your personal taste. In conclusion, Rule 34 is a notorious guideline within the fan art community, including the 'My Hero Academia' fandom. While it may involve adult-oriented content, it's crucial to respect others' artistic expressions and foster a positive and accepting atmosphere.

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